Project Description
Create a terminal-based note manager that allows users to add or view notes stored in a text file. Try to use Python 3.10 or newer and use match-case statements.
How the Project Works
(1) The program starts by prompting the user to choose an option (e.g., 1 for adding a note). (2) The user submits a new note. (3) The program stores the note in a text file in the background and lets the user choose an option again. (4) If the user chooses 2, all the notes should be displayed on the screen.
Required Libraries: No libraries are required.
Required Files: No files are required.
IDE: You can use any IDE on your computer to code the project.
Danger Zone
Once you code the project, compare it with our solution below:
options=int(input(''' Menu:
1.add a notes
2.View all notes
Choose an option (1,2 or 3):'''))
while options !=3 :
if options==1:
note=input("enter your note")
print("Note added")
elif options==2:
print("Notes List :")
for i in notes:
else :
print("Please enter the right option")
options=int(input(''' Menu:
1.add a notes
2.View all notes
Choose an option (1,2 or 3):''') )