Project Level 1: Beginner.
This project is designed for beginner learners who are still learning and practicing Python fundamentals.
Project Description
This program asks the user to enter their birth year and the current year. It then calculates and displays the user's age.
Project Skills Needed
This project covers the following concepts. Click any link to learn more about them if you're unfamiliar with them.
input() function | print() function | strings
How the Project Works
(1) The program starts by asking the user to enter their birth year. (2) Next, it asks the user to enter the current year. (3) The program calculates the user's age by subtracting the birth year from the current year. (4) Finally, it displays a message in the terminal that includes the calculated age.
Required Libraries: No libraries are required.
Required Files: No files are required.
IDE: You can use any IDE on your computer to code the project.
Danger Zone
If you get stuck, feel free to view a similar example below for help:
Once you've coded the project, compare it with our solution below:
Another amazing basic project for hobbyists trying to learn! Thank you very much - keep them coming 🙏
import datetime
birth = int(input("Enter your birth date: "))
today =
date = today.year
age = date - birth