Project Level: Real-World
This project is designed for learners who know Python fundamentals and are learning to build real-world programs.
Project Description
Today, we will build a hand gesture-controlled music player using Python! Instead of pressing buttons, you can play, pause, adjust volume, and switch tracks using only your hand. We’ll use MediaPipe Hand Tracking to detect gestures and Pygame to play music.
How It Works
• Play/Pause 🛑 ▶️: Show an open palm to play, fist to pause.
• Volume Control 🔊: Move your thumb and index finger closer or farther apart to adjust volume.
• Next/Previous Track ⏭️ ⏮️: Swipe left or right with your hand.
You need some sample MP3 songs for this. You can download these songs here.
Required Libraries: time, os, numpy, OpenCV, mediapipe, PyGame
pip install opencv-python mediapipe pygame numpy
Required Files: You need some sample MP3 songs
IDE: Use any IDE.
Danger Zone
The solution code is hidden behind the button below. Click to reveal it.
Happy Coding!
Daily Python Projects Team