Project Description
This project will monitor changes in a specified directory and display them in real-time using a simple GUI built with Tkinter
. You can use this to track modifications like file creation, deletion, or modification in any folder. This could be useful for applications like monitoring log files or watching over a directory during development.
How the Project Works
The program monitors a user-specified directory in real-time. Whenever a file is added, removed, or modified in the directory, a log entry is displayed in a Tkinter
GUI. The GUI provides a real-time, scrolling log of all file changes, making it easier to see what is happening in the monitored folder.
Required Libraries: watchdog, tkinter
Installation: pip install watchdog
Required Files: No files are required for this project.
IDE: You can use any IDE on your computer to code the project.
Danger Zone
Here is the code solution:
import string
text = "Edu3cation is a power123ful tool for improving our under2standing of the uni45verse. !"
vowels = "aeiouAEIOU"
counts = {'vowels': 0, 'consonants': 0, 'numbers': 0, 'punctuation': 0}
for x in text:
if x.isalpha():
if x in vowels:
counts['vowels'] += 1
counts['consonants'] += 1
elif x.isnumeric():
counts['numbers'] += 1
elif x in string.punctuation:
counts['punctuation'] += 1
total = sum(counts.values())
print(f'Total characters: {total}')
print(f"Total count of vowel characters: {counts['vowels']}")
print(f"Total count of consonant characters: {counts['consonants']}")
print(f"Total count of numbers: {counts['numbers']}")
print(f"Total count of punctuation: {counts['punctuation']}")