What is Daily Python Projects?
Subscribe to Daily Python Projects and receive a new Python project by email every weekday, Monday to Friday, helping you learn Python in a fun and practical way. Projects range from beginner to real-world programs, guiding you in building practical and fun Python applications, including web apps, automation tools, and data science programs. Receiving regular Python projects will help you stay motivated, help you build a portfolio, and learn Python through fun practice.
What are Code Dictations?
In addition to Python projects, we also send three audio code dictations every Friday. Dictations are a very efficient and fun way to memorize syntax and concepts. One of the dictations sent on Fridays is accessible by all members, while the other two more advanced dictations are accessible only by paid subscribers.
What is the difference between the free and the paid plan?
Both free and paid members receive one email containing a Python project idea with clear instructions and expected output every day (Mon-Thu). Paid members also receive the code solution for the project.
On Fridays we have the code dictation day. Free members get an easy-level code dictation where they try to type in the Python code they hear in the audio instructions and compare their code with the correct code afterwards. This is a fun and super efficient way to memorize Python syntax and concepts. Paid subscibers get two extra advanced-level dictations in addition to the easy-level one.
Watch the video for more
Happy coding!
Daily Python Projects Team